My Secret is out…

My name is Ashleigh and I have a secret.

In my spare time I h̶o̶a̶r̶d̶ collect YA fiction books. Book series, specifically.


I like to read pretty much any genre of book but there is just something about YA books in particular that just shout out to me (figuratively not literally, obviously.).

I don’t know if it’s something about the general plot focus of the books (you know, about a girl who has group of great friends, a background sub plot usually only running through one book with minor consequences overshadowed by the main plot of the boy that is just soooooo irresistible in a 14-16 year olds brain. bonus points if said boy ends up being a complete d-bag or completely uninterested and actual love interest is best friend who is completely unfanciable for 2+ of the books) or whether it just brings me back to being a tween myself but reading these books always makes chills me out after a bad day/week/month.


Obviously, out of all of these books some of them I have read multiple times (see: confessions of georgia nicolson, allys world, the princess diaries), there are series I have only got round to reading once (rachel riley books) and then series that I haven’t even got round to starting or am two or three books in.


I think out of all of these books the first set I read were the Allys World books when I was about 8 or 9. My best friend had been reading the Confessions of Georgia Nicolson and I had borrowed one or two and decided I wanted my own set of books to read.

I think after that I moved onto the Mates, Dates series then Confessions of Georgia Nicolson and thus my collection began to grow.

I remember when I turned about 15 (?) I threw out most of my old books as I ‘would, omg, probably never read them again’ only to repurchase them a few years ago.


My love for YA fiction books has inspired me to start writing my own YA book. I am only about 30 pages in (with about 100 pages of random notes, ideas, characters scattered around various notebooks) but I will get there at some point. Life is hectic and I am definitely my own worse critic so sometimes writing can be jilted but I am plugging on.

Do any of you guys love any of these books in particular? Are there any YA books that you would recommend?

Thanks for reading,

Ashleigh xx

Hello everyone (again)!

Hi guys!

My name is Ashleigh.

I was around a year or so ago with a blog called ranteatsleeprepeat… It has since disappeared (or been forcibly thrown) into the ether.

I am a 22 year old accountant from the UK, in my spare time I like playing sims, reading books and having a go at doing some writing of my own.

I will (probably) be doing the odd book review with a sprinkling of updates for my book and a slight side of random life-y shenanigans.
